0,00 €

Hotel + Teleferic de Montjuïc - Barcelona

Hotel + Teleferic de Montjuïc - Barcelona


88,06 €

*Hotel seleccionado en hab.doble + entrada Adulto al Teleférico
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Hotel + Teleferic de Montjuïc - Barcelona: 0,00 €

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Cableway of Montjüic

Montjuïc is the most historical mountain in Barcelona.

Panoramic views allow you to see the sea as did the Iberians.

Discover the history of Mount Jupiter and discover the development of the fort that is more than 170 meters above sea level right next to the port.

The funicular from the metro station Paral·lel leaves you at the highest station of the Montjuïc cable car, which is the best way to get to the top of the mountain while enjoying the views and you relax.

The cabins are fully adapted for passengers with reduced mobility and have eight comfortable seats so you can come with the whole family.

  • Montjuic Cableway
    Parc de Montjuïc stop, Av. Miramar, s/n, Barcelona


    • January to February: 10h00 to 18h00.
    • March to May: 10h00 to 19h00.
    • June to September: 10h00 to 21h00.
    • October: 10h00 to 19h00.
    • November to December: 10h00 to 18h00. (*25/12, 1/1 y 6/1: 10 a 14.30h)

What’s included?

  • Hotel chosen to Barcelona
  • Round trip ticket for the Cableway of Montjüic.

How does it work?

You have to print the bond hotel and voucher you will receive at your email adress when you end your booking and don´t forget to carry it with you to the ticket office

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