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Les Punxes House

Buy your tickets for Les Punxes House

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Les Punxes House - Outside
Les Punxes House - Inside
Les Punxes House - Windows
Les Punxes House - Visit
Les Punxes House - Outside Les Punxes House - Inside Les Punxes House - WindowsLes Punxes House - Visit

Les Punxes House (Audioguided)

Enter one of the most paradigmatic monuments of Catalan modernism!

Immerse yourself through an audio-guided multisensory montage in the fascinating history of the Casa de Les Punxes, meet one of the great figures of Catalan modernism, Josep Puig i Cadafalch, and let yourself be surprised by the legend of Saint George, a source of inspiration for the great modernist architects.

The audio guide is included in the price and is offered in ten languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

What are you waiting to reserve your ticket?

You can expand the information of the building in wikipedia

Train + Tickets
Hotel + Tickets
Train + Hotel + Tickets

Train + Tickets for Casa de Les Punxes

What includes?

- Round trip train ticket from the chosen origin to Barcelona. choose the most convenient date.
- Audioguided tickets for the museum. You can choose date.

How does it work?

After completing the purchase process print the train tickets and the voucher that we will send to your email.

Important information

- How long is the visit? The estimated duration of the visit is one hour.
- What are the hours of the visit? From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (last entry at 6 p.m.).

Open every day of the year (except December 25).


- Av. Diagonal 420, 08036 Barcelona

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