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Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía

Tickets Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía


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Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía
Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía
Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía
Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía

Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía

The Palacio de Liria is not an ordinary palace-museum, it is special, it is the only inhabited palace in Madrid.

This peculiarity makes Liria an exclusive artistic and historical space. Within its walls it houses one of the most important private art collections in Spain: paintings, sculpture, tapestries, furniture, engravings, documents and books, as well as a large collection of porcelain and decorative arts, are distributed throughout the different rooms to be admired by its owners and visitors, allowing them to enjoy a unique collection, formed thanks to the patronage and collecting work of the Dukes of Berwick and Alba for more than five hundred years.

Now, 250 years after its construction, the public is offered the opportunity to get to know the Palacio de Liria in person and enjoy a unique collection.

Among the most outstanding paintings are Francisco de Goya's portraits of the 13th Duchess of Alba and the Marquise of Lazán, as well as those by Titian and Rubens of the Grand Duke of Alba, in addition to other important canvases by Velázquez (Infanta Margarita), Murillo (Juan de Miranda), Zurbarán (Santo Domingo de Guzmán) and El Greco (Christ on the Cross), among other important artists.

The itinerary includes twelve of the main rooms, which include the library, with more than 18,000 volumes and where jewels such as the Bible of the House of Alba, the first translated into Spanish, a collection of letters of Christopher Columbus, the last testament of Ferdinand the Catholic and the first edition of "Don Quixote" (1605) are exhibited.

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Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía
Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía
Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía
Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía

Frequent questions about Palacio de Liria: Visita con Audioguía





Information on the purchase of Palacio de Liria

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train + tickets for Palacio de Liria

What's included?

Roundtrip train ticket from the chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and time
Tickets for the Palacio de Liria. you can choose date

How does it work?

Just print the train tickets and the tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to get on the train and enter the museum.