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La verbena de la Paloma

Tickets La verbena de la Paloma


Event ended

Event ended

Event ended

Train + tickets

Event ended

Event ended

Train + Hotel + tickets

Event ended

Event ended

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La verbena de la Paloma
La verbena de la Paloma
La verbena de la Paloma

Zarzuela - La verbena de la Paloma

The action is set in the working-class neighbourhoods of Madrid, during the festival of the Virgen de La Paloma. Don Hilarión, the apothecary, and Don Sebastián comment on the heat of the night, while the neighbours are partying. All except Julián, who is raging with jealousy provoked by his girlfriend Susana. Rita, who loves him like a son, tries to console him and give him good advice, but she cannot prevent him from discovering that Susana's aunt, Antonia, wants to set her up with the apothecary, even though he is just as interested in her as in her sister Casta. A blonde or a brunette.

The mess in the verbena de la Paloma is served.

Our Verbena de la Paloma We don't know why "La verbena de la Paloma" is the biggest box-office hit in the Spanish lyric repertoire. There are many reasons why it could be: its wonderful music by Tomás Bretón, an amusing and ingenious libretto by Ricardo de la Vega that has all the flavour of Madrid at the end of the 19th century or perhaps our staging which, being classical, adds to the work wonderful numbers from the género chico and some newly composed ones that are totally in keeping with the original work and which the audience greatly appreciates. What is certain is that our production of "La verbena de la Paloma" has been performed for more than 14 consecutive years at the Teatro Gran Vía in Madrid and is not only a classic on the Spanish lyrical stage, but also a guarantee of entertainment for all audiences, whether or not they are familiar with the Spanish lyrical genre.

La verbena de la Paloma
La verbena de la Paloma
La verbena de la Paloma

Frequent questions about La verbena de la Paloma





Information on the purchase of La verbena de la Paloma

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train + tickets for La verbena de la Paloma

What's included?

Roundtrip train ticket from the chosen origin to madrid. You can choose date and time
Tickets for the show. you can choose date

How does it work?

Simply print the train tickets and the tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to get on the train and access the show

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