0,00 €

Train + Visita Guiada Jaén

Train + Visita Guiada Jaén


42,60 €

*Billete de Tren desde Córdoba a Jaén + Visita guiada
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Train + Visita Guiada Jaén : 0,00 €

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Train + Guided visit in Jaén

During our guided visit around the Historical city center in Jaén we will walk through its main monuments, as The Cathedral of Asunción (inside included), The Condestable Lucas of Iranzo´s Palace, The Mudéjar´s Saloon and the Arab Baths (inside included), this is one of the better preserved and the biggest ones in whole Europe. We will end our tour in the historical Magdalena´s Quarter where we will meet the famous and old leyend of "Lizard of Jaén" and we will visit its monumental Magdalena´s Church.

What is included?

  • Roundtrip train ticket to Madrid from your chosen origin
  • Guided Tour

When can I used the Tourist Pass?

The guided tours are from Thursday to Sunday at 11:00h and also Saturday at 17:00h (18:00h in Summer)

Note: Children under 12 years old only pay entrance fees to the monuments - free during the visit

Tourist visit Schelude Jaén for 2020

How it works?

Just print the train ticket and voucher that you will receive in your email when finalizing the purchase process and hand over it at our office (that is the starting point at the same time). To do the visit you just show up 15 minutes before at the starting of the visit at the meeting point, in Santa María´s Square, in front of the main door of the Cathedral

  • The tour long last 2 hours.

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