0,00 €
Carmina Burana

Tickets Carmina Burana


Only tickets

Event ended

Hotel + tickets

Event ended

Train + tickets

Event ended

Train + hotel + tickets

Event ended

Carmina Burana
Carmina Burana
Carmina Burana
Carmina Burana

Carmina Burana - La Fura dels Baus

La Fura dels Baus has conceived a fast-paced Carmina Burana where the spectator, through stunning scenes, special effects and even spring fragrances, is fully immersed in the universe of La Fura dels Baus.

On stage, a large cylinder ten metres in diameter literally envelops the orchestra, while images projected on it illustrate the entire work from beginning to end. A giant moon, the thaw, waterfalls, a floral ecstasy, a live grape harvest, wine, water and fire... Carmina Burana by La Fura dels Baus is a sensorial, musical and theatrical show, vital and energetic, which has already been seen by more than 410,000 spectators in Europe, Asia and America.

Carmina Burana
Carmina Burana
Carmina Burana
Carmina Burana

Frequently asked questions about Carmina Burana

What is the ticket price for Carmina Burana?

Event ended

When will Carmina Burana be available in Madrid?

Event ended

Is Carmina Burana suitable for all audiences?

The show Carmina Burana is recommended for children over 12 years old.

In which theatre is the play performed?

Event ended

Information about the purchase of Carmina Burana

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train plus ticket for para Carmina Burana

What's included?

Return train ticket from chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and time
Tickets for the show. You can choose date and seat

How does it work?

Simply print out the train tickets and tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to board the train and enter the theatre.

Articles related to Carmina Burana - La Fura dels Baus

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