0,00 €
Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas

Tickets Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas


Only tickets

Event ended

Hotel + tickets

Event ended

Train + tickets

Event ended

Train + hotel + tickets

Event ended

Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas
Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas


STOMP is the legendary English show for all audiences that has been rocking the world with its energetic performances since 1994.

Matches, brooms, rubbish bins, lighters and all sorts of urban gadgets fill the stage to create the beats in STOMP.

Discover the energising show with international artists that mixes dance, music and performance!

Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas
Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas

Frequently asked questions about Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas

Ticket Price Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas. What is the entry price of Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas?

Event ended

When is the premiere of Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas in Madrid?

This show premiered on May 4th in Madrid.

Can I buy tickets now for Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas?

Event ended

What dates will this show be available in Madrid?

Event ended

Information about the purchase of Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train plus tickets for Stomp - Festival Artes Escénicas

What does it include?

Return train ticket from the chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and timetable
Tickets for the immersive experience. You can choose the date.

How does it work?

Simply print out the train tickets and tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to board the train and access the event.

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